Beeyond Honey Apiaries & Supplies
Beeyond Honey Apiaries & Supplies
Hive Wrap for Single Deep

Hive Wrap for Single Deep


This Bee Cozy winter hive wrap will keep your bees tucked in through cold weather! This smaller version is perfect for beekeepers who overwinter single 10 frame deeps.

This extra thick beehive wrap will cover a colony that consists of just one deep 10 frame hive body. It is designed perfectly for standard 10 frame wooden hive equipment (hives that measure about 20" by 16-1/4" outside dimensions). It could be adapted to a smaller box using tape or a ratchet strap.

This hive wrap is one piece that slides over your colonies, giving them some added warmth and comfort during the cold winter months. The UV-treated polypropylene wraps contain environmentally-friendly R8 fiberglass. Just the insulating layer your bees need to winter successfully.

Note: Winter hive wraps are not needed on BeeMax hives.

Hint: To make for an easier installation, push out all the air from the cover before placing on your hive. It should be a tight fit.

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