10FR Hogg Super & Follower Brd
NOTE: Cassettes and springs NOT included. If you have at least a few seasons of beekeeping under your belt and are interested in producing a sought-after product without the mess of extraction, comb honey production may be for you. We carry three ways to produce comb honey: the Ross Round System, the Hogg Halfcomb System and the cut comb method.
This 4 3/4" tall wooden assembled super is for the Hogg Halfcomb System. It is specifically designed to be used with the 10 frame Hogg Halfcomb refill pack. The follower boards are included to secure the cassettes.
Note: The refill pack (Super Pack) and super springs are not included, but the follower boards are included.
Product Specifications:
- Super dimensions: 19 7/8" long x 16 1/8" wide x 4 3/4" high
- One super holds 40 cassettes
- Three follower boards