Beeyond Honey Apiaries & Supplies
Beeyond Honey Apiaries & Supplies
10 Dose Formic Pro

10 Dose Formic Pro


Formic Pro� is a treatment for the control of the Varroa destructor mite in honey bees. The polysaccharide gel strip contains the active ingredient, formic acid, and allows for a slow release of the vapor. Formic Pro� is certified organic in New Zealand (a worldwide leader in organic standards) and can be used with honey supers on.The treatment is placed on top of the lower brood chamber for either a 14-day or 20-day treatment period. 

Varroa mites are a parasite of honey bees that weaken bees and transmit viruses to the bees. They reproduce under the brood cap and feed on the developing bee. When the new bee emerges from its cell, more mites emerge with it, and transfer to other brood cells. Due to the exponential nature of Varroa reproduction, colony infestation levels can quickly get out of control. Viruses accumulate in the colony, and higher Varroa levels further weaken the bees, rendering them unable to survive. Note: Most mites are hidden from our view, so don't depend on simply looking at bees on frames to assess mites. It is imperative to control your mite levels to ensure the health of your hive. 

Full instructions included with each package.

Please Note: Formic Pro has a two year (24 month) shelf life from date of manufacture when stored as per the label. Each product box has an expiry date printed on the label, after which it is no longer legal for use.

Note:This product is non-returnable

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