Ross Round Super Kit
If you have at least a few seasons of beekeeping under your belt and are interested in producing a sought-after product without the mess of extraction, comb honey production may be for you. We carry three ways to produce comb honey: the Ross Round System, the Hogg Halfcomb System and the cut comb method.
The Ross Round system produces round sections (4" diameter x 1 1/2" high) of comb honey. Once the bees have drawn, filled and capped the comb honey (starting with a thin foundation), the sections are removed, covers installed and labels applied.
To get started, the kit includes a special 4 1/2" high wooden super to minimize burr comb. A Ross Round frame is used to hold the foundation and section rings while the bees do their work. The frame is also designed with "walls" to maintain bee space while the comb is drawn and capped. Follower boards and springs hold the frames in place.
Each comb section requires two rings (one on each side of the foundation), two covers and labels to complete the product.
After the first batch of comb honey is produced, new foundation and rings are reinstalled to produce more comb honey. Betterbee has a variety of supplies for making more Ross Rounds with the super kit. They can be found here along with replacment parts.
Product Specifications:
8 Frame Ross Round Kit
- Makes 28 honey sections
- Super external dimensions: 19 7/8" long x 14" wide x 4 1/2" high
- Super board thickness: 3/4"
- Three follower boards for frame spacing
- One flat board with three springs to hold boards/frames in place
- 7 frames (rest on follower boards)
- 56 rings (two for each section)
- Assembly instructions
- Empty kit weight: 9 pounds
10 Frame Ross Round Kit
- Makes 32 honey sections.
- Super external dimensions: 19 7/8" long x 16 5/16" wide x 4 1/2" high
- Super board thickness: 3/4"
- Three follower boards for frame spacing
- One flat board with three springs to hold boards/frames in place
- 8 frames (rest on follower boards)
- 64 rings (two for each section)
- Assembly Instructions
- Empty kit weight: 10 pounds
Please note that these kits do not include thin foundation, covers or labels.